Read our full AGM 2022 report here.

Diversity and Inclusion: Our Board has been more diverse in terms of age and ethnicity and now has over one third BAME members and is more reflective of the wider community.

Partnerships: We developed partnerships with more local organisations, green spaces, schools. We developed new partnerships setting up Community Kitchens with Spring Community Hub and Healthy Living Platform food charities. Partnership Southwark and over 20 local health practitioners partnered with us on the Feel Good Festival in the summer.

Local Election Hustings for Camberwell residents: With support from Lambeth Council, SE5 Forum were able to host its first Hustings event for residents to hear from local candidates for Southwark and Lambeth Councils.

Feel Good Festival: Board member Shazna Choudhry organised a six-week festival of health and wellbeing on the Green in June and July. It attracted 934 visits from local people over 6 weeks of free sessions on body, health, art, music, food, mind and exercise. 

Transport: We supported bringing the Transport for London Cycle Hire sponsored by Santander to SE5. The largest cycle hire station was installed next to Burgess Park, on the corner of Albany Road and Camberwell Road for 30 bikes. Another docking stations will be added on Camberwell Road. We created, with volunteer help, a response document to the TfL consultation on bus route cuts. 

Business: The Camberwell Identity Group won a grant from Southwark to employ a business marketeer to support the recovery of the High Street. Over 84 businesses became Camberwell Champions. They display the Camberwell logo, receive the regular business newsleder and are promoted on the Camberwell Life website. Camberwell Arts organised local artists to paint shop shutters. And we helped marketing for independent businesses.

Camberwell Identity Group: SE5 Forum was a founding partner of the Camberwell Identity group with The Camberwell Society and Camberwell Arts. Since 2018 the group has consulted widely to develop a Camberwell Identity, the Camberwell C branding and other designs are available to all to download from the website. This year the Camberwell Identity group have worked on a number of initiatives: created 2 of 4 Camberwell murals, cmore Camberwell banners, a Camberwell map and Black History walk. We also engaged with large developments, such as Camberwell Station Road and Butterfly Walk, to ensure Camberwell identity designs are included in planning schemes.

Our Camberwell Talks programme continued into 2022 with a range of fascinating talks by local talent.

Trees and Green Spaces: An initiative shared between SE5 Forum and The Camberwell Society. Activities  have included litter picking on Camberwell Green, ably assisted by the 23rd Camberwell Scouts. The group developed a Ruskin tree walk in Ruskin Park. This has been presented as a park event, and also as a short film on Youtube. A Tree Walk Through Ruskin Park with John Ruskin – YouTube.

Market Stall: For many in Camberwell, SE5 Forum is synonymous with its presence at the Camberwell Farmers’ Market on the Green. A range of Camberwell freebies and Camberwell branded goods. We are also developing it into Camberwell community stall – to open up to other local voluntary organisations and artisans. Partners Good Gym have been amazingly supportive.