Can you make Southwark CLEANer, greener or safer?

Cleaner Greener Safer Application
Have an idea for community garden? Does a playground or sports facility near you need a new lease of life? From new lighting to cycle lockers, park benches to outdoor classrooms,the 2017/18 Cleaner Greener Safer programme could make your idea a reality.
Do you have an idea for a neglected space in your neighbourhood? Could new planting, lighting or a lick of paint create a welcoming community space?
Do you have an idea to improve an outdoor space and help people become healthier? Do you want to refurbish a local play area, revitalise a sports facility, or create a food-growing area?
Apply to the 2017/18 Cleaner Greener Safer programme.
Visit for more information, or pick up a form at your local library, one stop shop or leisure centre.
Closing date for applications is Monday 31 October 2016.