Camberwell Arts Festival
Camberwell Arts Festival
Date(s) - 16/06/2018 - 24/06/2018
12:00 am
Camberwell Green
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Camberwell Arts Festival: This year’s theme is: ALL’S WELL.
From 16th – 24th June, Camberwell will become a crucible of scientific and artistic experimentation and collaboration. There will be artists of all kinds (dancers, musicians, poets and players, designers, makers, upcyclers), getting involved in:
Open Studios – 16-17 June
Made in Camberwell Market, including the Artist-Inspired bake-off and Doggy Dress-Up – Camberwell Green, on Saturday 23 June
Health and Wellbeing Workshops in Camberwell Library – The festival is running 20 different FREE workshops (every afternoon between 18 – 22 June) for all ages from babies to the elderly, for different levels of mobility, for stress and relaxation and for some mental health issues – and they are all FREE at Camberwell Library large meeting room. Make sure you book your place. )
Fringe Events and venues – There are dancers performing, actors playing, painters exhibiting, workshops by designers, knitters nibbling, events at the intersection between art and health, and so much more to see, taste, feel, hear and touch. Some will be free, some need to be booked, some will be aimed at specific age groups. The full programme of Events can be seen online and in the Festival brochure.
Creative Workshops
Not for Sale boards and Alley Gallery
For more information and bookings and to download the festival programme brochure, go to: www.camberwellarts.org.uk