Camberwell Arts Festival
Camberwell Arts Festival
Date(s) - 19/06/2021 - 27/06/2021
All Day
Take part in Camberwell Arts Festival in its blended online and physical offerings between 19 – 27 June. The theme this year is INSIDE OUT referencing the unusual situation we lived through this past year and the creative output that it has generated.
There will be a new sculpture on Denmark Hill Station from early June to celebrate and promote Camberwell Arts Festival to the thousands of residents and visitors who pass by the plinth next to Champion Park ticket office.
We launch the Festival on Saturday 19 June with the Arts Market on Camberwell Green. Note also the community arts project on trees and lampposts in the park where knitters and crocheters from all walks of life (school children, parents, artists, care home residents) have worked away in their homes to contribute to this colourful art work outside.
This year we are partnering with The Remakery in their competition and awards event ‘breathing new life into waste’. It recognises that there are many inventors and upcyclers among us that never receive the accolade they deserve. You must get your competition entry application in by 5 June and it can be photographs of your entry for the judges to assess. Go to bit.ly/The-Remakery-Awards-2021. This year’s competition offers prizes in cash and The Remakery memberships and some specially chosen upcycled items to be awarded on Saturday 19 June on Camberwell Green.
Several art commissions are interpreting the INSIDE OUT theme in a variety of funny, interesting and unexpected ways and you can participate in most of them. Keep an eye on the website camberwellarts.org.uk nearer the launch date for more information on time, place and ways to get involved.
Open Studios on the final weekend of the Festival 26/27 June is primarily online and you can walk through studios and listen to artists talking about their work, from the comfort of your favourite chair. Some artists will arrange visits to their studios by appointment, and you can find out who these are on the website camberwellarts.org.uk in June.