Southwark Council Area (Multi-Ward) Forum Meeting: Camberwell & Walworth
Southwark Council Area (Multi-Ward) Forum Meeting: Camberwell & Walworth
Date(s) - 19/06/2019
7:00 pm
Cambridge House
The first Area [ Multi-Ward] Forum meeting for Camberwell and Walworth will be at 7pm on Wednesday 19 June at Cambridge House, 1 Addington Square, Camberwell, London SE5 OHF
Southwark Council has unveiled a new approach to community involvement to replace Community Councils. The resulting new Empowering Communities Programme will strengthen the role of local ward councillors who will lead regular Ward Meetings in each of the 23 wards, to discuss issues of local importance. In addition to individual ward based events, there will be area-based meetings to discuss issues that affect a wider area. The individual ward meetings will offer a more relaxed and intimate environment in which to discuss what is going on in the immediate neighbourhood, and where everyone will feel they can contribute.
Area [ Multi-Ward ] Forum meetings
Southwark will be divided into five new areas – (see map). Area (Multi-ward) forum meetings will take place three times in 2019-20, and twice a year thereafter, for funding project presentations and announcing decisions. Each area will have a community champion, (one of the Councillors), who will Chair the area forums, ensuring that these larger meetings operate effectively.
Funding programmes information, process, and announcement of decisions; including Cleaner Greener Safer, Neighbourhoods Fund, Democracy Fund, Devolved Highways Budget, etc. will be a main function of the multi-ward meetings.
Single/Joint ward meetings
The individual ward meetings will take place three times a year, but Councillors may also decide to use one or more of these opportunities to meet together with other wards, especially where a local matter affects residents across ward boundaries. Ward Councillors will have the responsibility for shaping the agenda and managing the meeting process. These meetings are where neighbourhood issues can be discussed, and residents can voice their concerns. Local policing and other local matters may also be addressed at these meetings.
Taking community engagement to the ward level will allow local people to make decisions about the things that matter in their street, local park or neighbourhood, and provide greater opportunities to discuss the things that really matter to them.
Check that you know which area your address falls under. https://geo.southwark.gov.uk/connect/analyst/mobile/#/main?mapcfg=Southwark%20Area%20Forums