The Big Party: Rain or Shine Festival hosted by Theatre Deli – The Old Library

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The Big Party: Rain or Shine Festival hosted by Theatre Deli – The Old Library
Date(s) - 05/08/2018
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Theatre Delicatessen, the old library,

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The Big Party | Rain or Shine Festival

Bring A Picnic and Your Sense of Adventure
Join us for a celebration of the final day of Rain or Shine with music, games performances and fun activities for children.

Mandinga Arts – Learn basic circus skills, choreography and try your hand at drumming in the drop-in workshops; experience Mandinga’s costumes and interact with playful colours and join in the parade at the end of the day.

Circus workshop – 2.30pm – 3.15
Drumming workshop – 4.15pm – 4.45pm

Louise Bland – Deep winter has set in in the Giant’s garden. The children are locked out by a very high brick wall built by the Giant. Why is the Giant being so selfish?! Explore how you can bring summer back to the Garden and
help the Giant see the errors of his ways.

Two Walk-about storytelling sessions:
4.45pm – 5.30pm

Terabac – Interact with their travelling troupe of insects. A visual and dramatic walkabout piece involving magnificent costumes made from reclaimed materials. They tell tales of transformation and regeneration interspersed with songs.

For more info:

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