Explore South London with CoolWalks

Explore South London with CoolWalks

Dear CoolWalks Friends and Colleagues,

We are now raising money to help CoolWalks become a self-sustaining Social Enterprise. This will allow us to support existing, as well as 40 new volunteers, deliver another year of training, and create six brand new walks for the local community, celebrating South London’s diverse cultural heritage!

SEE HERE   www.spacehive.com/coolwalks 

Hear Bowie’s Brixton, relive Charlie Chaplin’s childhood, march with the Suffragettes and for Black Rights, see the beautification of Southwark, or take a moonlit Thameside stroll! CoolWalks are a range of weekly walks in South London, which have been running for over ten years, offering locals and visitors an alternative to the usual tourist walk. These off-the-beaten-track tours present the area’s diversity, culture and heritage. They are researched and delivered by CoolTan Arts volunteers.

The CoolWalks volunteer training programme supports members of the public to research, plan and deliver the walks, improving their wellbeing and employability; last year 30% of volunteers progressed to paid employment. It is run at CoolTan Arts, an award-winning mental health in arts charity. CoolWalks is open to all but especially supports those with mental health conditions. Your support will enable CoolWalks to become a self-sustaining social enterprise for the South London community.

Why it’s a great idea:

CoolTan Arts provide much of its support to people in South and Inner London – an area which has one of the highest incidences of mental distress in the UK. We widen access to creative opportunities and make sure that arts and leisure are available to everyone, regardless of circumstance. CoolWalks is based on the charity’s ethos of improving mental wellbeing through creativity. Guides are encouraged to craft the stories they feel are important, based on their research and training.

Last year we worked with over 30 volunteers, and created seven new local walks. All money raised will enable CoolTan Arts to continue their vital work supporting people with mental distress to develop their potential, reconnect with their aspirations, recover and enjoy life!

Please pledge to the spacehive crowdfund as every penny counts or get involved by coming on upcoming walks and donating either your time/money. Or you could forward this message on to individuals who understand the importance of supporting wider communities wellbeing. Thanks in advance.

on behalf CoolWalks programme