New SE5 Forum events: Camberwell Talks spring season and our free Ruskin Tree Walk
SE5 Forum is proud to present two new events coming up soon: Ruskin Tree Walks and Camberwell Talks:
Free Ruskin Tree Walk (& Draw)
Sunday 5th March, 2pm and 3pm
Following on from a successful event last year (including the making of a film), SE5 Forum and The Camberwell Society present the 2023 edition of our free RUSKIN TREE WALK, with optional drawing workshop.
The guided tree walk around Ruskin Park will be led by volunteers from King’s College Hospital and Friends of Ruskin Park to explore linkages between trees, nature and wellbeing.
They will present key insights about John Ruskin, the Victorian artist and thinker, written by world leading experts on his ideas on nature.
After each walk, you can choose to participate in a free Tree Drawing Workshop led by local artist Natasha Godfrey.Â
The two walks – at 2pm and 3pm – are limited to 30 people so book your free ticket/s quickly to avoid disappointment: **UPDATE – both walks are now booked up!
If you’d like to do a self-guided Ruskin Tree Walk or find more information, go to The Camberwell Society’s Ruskin Tree Walk page, where you can download a map, guide, essays and illustrations: camberwellsociety.org.uk/treewalk3 There are guides to other fascinating tree walks in SE5, too.

New season of Camberwell Talks
From Monday 6 March 7pm
Spring is coming… and with it our new season of Camberwell Talks!
First stop is Chris Roberts, an expert in all things Camberwellian.Then we get physical with Support & Sustain’s physiotherapy advice for women, arty with a mystery talk by Camberwell Arts as they launch their 2023 festival, and green-fingered with a special summer Camberwell Gardeners’ question time.
Tickets are ÂŁ10/ÂŁ7 concessions including a free drink. Plus there’s a half-price meal deal at local restaurant Caravaggio on the night. For anyone who’d like to attend but is affected by the current cost of living, please email us at admin@se5forum.org.uk.

Other Events:
• The ever-popular Camberwell Organoke is stepping out of SE5 for a special Karaoke Classics sing-off at Battersea Arts Centre’s Grand Hall with the star of the show, The Hope-Jones Organ, plus a live band and legendary local MC Ida Barr. Book tickets here: https://bac.org.uk/whats-on/organoke
• Theatre Peckham: Following a sold-out run at Peckham Fringe in 2022, new show Sunny Side Up is a lyrical solo performance piece, blending drama and poetry until 4 March. Book here: theatrepeckham.co.uk
• New to skating and want to have a try? SE5’s Jam Speed Rollers are putting on another community indoor skate event tomorrow – 4pm for families and 7pm for adults – with optional fancy dress! The sessions takes place at Ark Globe Academy but they’d love to find an indoor venue in SE5 in the future.

You can find more local events on Southwark Council’s Southwark Presents listings: click here
Southwark 2030:
Have your say on the future of Southwark. Southwark Council is holding a wide-scale Southwark 2030 consultation – it wants “local people to share their ambitions and hopes, to develop a shared vision with the council, local partners, community groups and businesses”.
Ways of responding to the consultation:
Fill in the short online survey here
Join a Conversations event: sign up here. There are events still available until 8th March.
There are also school packs and opportunities for groups to host ‘listening events’. Find out more here
Southwark Pensioners is hosting its own listening event for older people on 24 February 10.30am to 1.45pm at Inspire in the Crypt, St. Peter’s Church, Liverpool Grove, SE17 2HH. To attend, tel: 020 7708 4556 or email info@southwarkpensioners.org.uk.
New free fob for Denmark Hill Station cycle hub
Govia Thameslink is re-launching the cycle parking hub at Windsor Walk,Denmark Hill Station this Monday 20th February, at 10am, with a free fob available to all cyclists to park their bikes safely.
The Community Engagement Officer will be on hand to explain the new fob entry system and how you get access. From now on, free fobs will be available from the ticket office at the Champion Hill entrance. You just need to give your email address and show Photo ID. The fobs are registered for 12 months and will need reactivating once a year. They can also be activated at other cycle hub locations on the network.
Disused railway arches in Camberwell to get ÂŁ1.1m restoration
Five abandoned railway arches in Camberwell, which have been empty for over five years, will be given a ÂŁ1.1 million investment so they can be rented out again amid the demand for industrial space.
Read more here in Southwark News
New Retired People’s Lunch Club
Myatt’s Fields Park Depot has launched a new Retired People’s Lunch Club. It takes place at Myatt’s Fields Park depot (warm space) on Wednesdays noon to 2 pm. You can also choose activities such as trips, art, dance. Find out more here: myattsfieldspark.info
SE5 Forum Market Stall
Visit our market stall on Saturdays 10am-3pm on Camberwell Green
Come and browse our Camberwell Identity merchandise, including our popular range of Camberwell mugs, butterfly t-shirts and more. And find out about our latest work and campaigns.
We always welcome new volunteers and board members to help us improve Camberwell. We’re also looking for volunteers to help us with our Saturday stall – either setting up and down or on the stall. If you’re interested, please email: admin@se5forum.org.uk.