Job opportunity: Freelance Business Marketing Consultant

Temporary freelance contract, flexible hours, to promote Camberwell businesses, funded by Southwark Council’s High Street Recovery Fund.

Camberwell Identity Group – Role Specification

Job title: Business Marketer (contract), Camberwell

Contract: 44 days between October 2021 to August 2022 @ £250 per day.

Camberwell based. Flexible working including out of normal office hours.

Funded by the Southwark High Street Recovery Fund. Paid via SE5 Forum.

Applications: Email your application to Closing date is 15 October 2021

About the Camberwell Identity Group 

The Camberwell Identity Group is a consortium of the SE5 Forum, Camberwell Society and Camberwell Arts working with the community and businesses.  All three organisations have a history of delivering projects – lamppost banners, market stalls, festivals, annual days, murals, Camberwell Champions retailers’ scheme, promotions, and marketing workshops for businesses. 

Following community consultation three years ago, the Camberwell Identity Group worked with a designer to create a narrative and brand story that unifies Camberwell. The group has successfully worked with the community (incl. businesses, scouts, schools, hostels, playgrounds, developers, residents, and Southwark Council) to incorporate the identity throughout Camberwell on lamppost banners, market stall, local business and retail champions, digital channels, branding at the new entrance to Denmark Hill station and a murals progamme.

Camberwell.Life love local campaign

The Camberwell Identity Group launched a pilot of Camberwell.Life, a love local campaign, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. More detail here. The aims are:

  1. increase positive perceptions and awareness of Camberwell
  2. increase spend and footfall in Camberwell from visitors, local workers, and residents 
  3. to build civic pride, through digital channels

Purpose of the position

We are now looking to scale Camberwell.Life and have secured funding from Southwark’s High Street Recovery Fund for the supporting services to be provided by freelance business marketing consultant. These services require someone that will support the needs of small and midsized enterprises, now and looking to the future, enabling them to maximise sales and increase their customer base, as well as feeding into the Camberwell.Life love local campaign

Deliverables (Once appointed, we will agree together how the deliverables are quantified)

Camberwell Champions: Encourage small businesses to become a Camberwell Champion. For which they receive shop window stickers, coasters, a listing on Camberwell.Life and supported across our social media channels, to help increase footfall or home delivery. To date, 65 have signed-up.

Camberwell Saturdays: Coordinate promotions offering customers a discount, a free product, or a free month of service, to run on the first Saturday of every month, and in addition on Small Business Day – 28th November 2021 and Independents Day – w/c 4th July 2022.

Camberwell Independent Food Festival: Deliver a creative programme of digital marketing support targeted towards independent food outlets based in Camberwell, with a focus on healthy eating, diverse food shops, restaurants, and cafes. Working with a UAL film student to develop a series of short films of the different businesses, where they can share their story – a budget of £1,000 is available for the film student and digital content.

1-on-1 coaching: Provide a series of advice to businesses on improving green credentials, maximising merchandising, using emerging retail digital platforms, and running promotional campaigns.

Shop front mural programme: Support the Camberwell ID Group by brokering partnerships between local artists and small businesses interested in placing colourful feature murals on shop front shutters that celebrate Camberwell’s diverse community to foster a sense of social cohesion. 

Meanwhile spaces: Carry out a survey of empty sites in the town centre. Contact landlords with a support package including a licence for meanwhile use, and inclusivity guidelines. 

The Camberwell Clarion: Inform local businesses of the availability of affordable and effective advertising space to connect with their community through the new hyper-local newspaper. 

Camberwell Business Innovation District: Develop leadership, representation and build confidence to establish a business-led and business funded body formed to improve a defined commercial area i.e. Camberwell Town Centre.

Experience and skills

  • Experienced marketing professional, including planning and managing campaigns to promote a product or service
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills and ability to communicate with a wide range of stakeholders – especially with businesses, commercial organisations and community representatives
  • Proven ability to work on one’s own initiative, with experience of working with and reporting to a Board/Committee.
  • Understands small and medium businesses and town centre issues
  • Strategic thinking including issues and understand context and likely challenges 
  • Strong IT and social media skills

SE5 Forum for Camberwell policies and values can be found here

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SE5 Forum AGM: How to create a better Camberwell

***THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CAME TO THE SE5 Forum AGM 2021 – How to create a better Camberwell

Wednesday 6 October 6.30-8.30pm on Zoom 

We would like to invite you to join our next online AGM 2021: How to Create a Better Camberwell.

Following on from our successful public event in July, our invited speakers will focus on how to:
• fill empty retail spaces on our high streets
• create a community space
• make Camberwell greener 

SE5 Forum board members will also talk about our achievements over the past year in our priority projects of Business, Transport, Identity and Environment. 

We will also be holding our annual Board Elections. We invite anyone to nominate themselves or others as new SE5 Forum board members. We welcome all applications and are also actively looking for more members who are from BAME background and/or under 40. 

If you’d like attend the AGM, please email: to register for Zoom details.

If you’d like to stand as a board member,please download this invitation for more information and email: with your name, contact details and a short statement on why you’d like to join us.  

• Joanna Large, who joined the board last year, is a specialist nurse at King’s College Hospital but also has a background in arts and culture. She successfully launched our new Camberwell Talks events last month with a sell-out first event. Joanna says: 
‘I started volunteering occasionally on the SE5 Forum market stall, then joined the Board last year. They backed my idea of having Camberwell Talks, which are now happening on the first Monday of the month at The Camberwell Arms. We’re now looking at how the community can use local empty shops and retail spaces. Even with a busy job and a family, I have been able to help the community through SE5 Forum.’

We are also looking to recruit more volunteers. Currently we would love to have board members and volunteers who can bring the following skills or expertise to SE5 Forum:
Transport: Expertise in rail planning process or bus policy/guidance
Environment: Experience in greening, urban planning, development/regeneration
Business: Planning, marketing, merchandising experience 
Community/Stakeholder: Experience in stakeholder/community engagement/consultation
Events: Help on our weekly market stall on the green, or help at other events. Events organising/ management experience or in stewarding, health and safety, AV/tech, photography, online events.
Marketing, PR & Content production: Producing press releases and/or social media or any other marketing content. Converting technical information into accessible material or Powerpoints. 
Website: WordPress website specialist to help upgrade SE5 Forum website 

Next Camberwell Talk on Monday 4 October at The Camberwell Arms
with local fine art photographer John Yabrifa 

After our sell-out first event, come and listen to John Yabrifa ponder pictures, philosophy and why community matters. John will be looking specifically at how photography and music has affected his life as a south London native.
Tickets include a free drink and there will be a raffle, interesting company and the welcoming atmosphere of The Camberwell Arms. We hope to see you there!
To buy tickets for £10 (£7 concession), go to Eventbrite:

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Denmark Hill station: new entrance showcases Camberwell identity and culture
Fantastic response to New Entrance for Denmark Hill New entrance and major improvements offer greener journeys for passengers, and better access for patients and staff to the Maudsley and King’s College Hospitals

Improvements unveiled by local Sandi Toksvig include a range of new art and design elements to reflect Camberwell’s unique, vibrant identity.

The station now boasts more comfortable waiting facilities, sheltered platforms, better lighting powered by solar energy, and a brand new 85-space cycle hub, in the new £7.5m extension. It’s the first carbon positive upgrade of its kind at a station in Europe. And visitors can also enjoy Camberwell identity and culture as part of their journey experience. 

The entrance was officially opened by Rail Minister Chris Heaton-Harris, who was joined by local resident, writer, broadcaster and campaigner Sandi Toksvig, representatives from Network Rail, GTR, SE5 Forum, the Camberwell Society, Camberwell Identity Group, Kings College and Maudsley NHS hospitals. 

Network Rail designed the new entrance walkway to include a plinth for artist Godfried Donkor’s public art, commissioned by the Camberwell Society. Godfried says: “This sculpture is dedicated to the pandemic frontline workers. It carries the theme “Health and Wellbeing” and offers a new take on the traditional adinkra symbolism of Ghana, which are like emojis yet created hundreds of years earlier.”

Etched on the windows is a poem by Una Marson, former Camberwell resident:“The test of true culture is the ability to move among men, East or West, North of South, with ease and confidence, radiating the pure light of a kindly humanity”.Local actor, Daniella Arthur-Kennedy of Theatre Peckham, who read the poem, says: “Una Marson was a Jamaican feminist, activist and writer, who inspired so many through her writing and character. She was the first black woman programme maker to be employed by the BBC and showed true commitment despite facing inequalities and injustice.” 
Listen to the poem being read hereOther elements include a wall tiled in the ‘Camberwell Brick’, in the palette of colours drawn from local greenery, architecture, water and sky. Designed by local design consultancy Studio Sutherland, the brick was inspired by the well in Camberwell’s name, history and coat of arms. Kelly Blaney, Chair of the Camberwell Identity Group, says: “We have been working closely with Network Rail and, through community consultations. The new art and design elements have created a unique identity for our station.”MORE:
Read Network Rail’s press release – New and Improved Denmark Hill Station delivers first carbon positive upgrade on rail network 
See our Twitter page for more photos and videos posted. The Camberwell Identity group is a project by SE5 ForumCamberwell Society and Camberwell Arts with the local community and businesses. 

Camberwell Talks – join our first event on Monday 6 September
Don’t forget the first in our series of entertaining talks by interesting locals – Camberwell Talks: The Vibrant Voices of SE5 with writer and filmmaker ‘The Mumper’ Mark Baxter on Monday 6 September at The Camberwell Arms 7pm. £10/£7 concessions. The ticket includes a free drink and raffle ticket. Tickets are going fast but we hope to reserve a few for any last-minute turn-ups on the door!
Buy your Camberwell Talks tickets on Eventbrite here

Camberwell Talks at The Camberwell Arms, 65 Camberwell Church Street, SE5 8TR

Ruskin Park Paddling Pool Fundraiser
Ruskin Park’s much-loved paddling pool needs a big refurbishment by spring 2022.

The total cost of the works is expected to be approximately £75,000. Friends of Ruskin Park hope to raise at least £15,000 of this from donations – with the remainder coming from Lambeth Council, previous fundraising, grant applications and a generous £10,000 donation from Urban Village.

So far £4,800 of the £15,000 has been raised on the GoFundMe page – please consider donating to keep this vital water play for local little ones and families. 

Find out more and donate here

St Giles’ Clock Restoration Fund Open Day 
The Friends of St Giles’ Church are organising an open afternoon Saturday 18 September 1-4pm to help raise funds towards a £30,000 restoration of its historic clock.

Under the umbrella of the National Trust Open Heritage Days, St Giles’ Church will be open to all, including  the tower with its great views. A team of bellringers will be on hand to answer questions. The ringing chamber also houses the pendulum of the church clock.

Ashley Valentine, the Director of Music, will bring a musical interlude, and there will also be book and bric a brac stalls, cake and refreshments.

Please support the church with your visit and if anyone would like to donate books, bric a brac or cakes, they can be delivered to the church the day before or collected via Alec Gray on 07494 089114.  

St Giles’ Clock background: The tower clock at St Giles’ church was commissioned by the then vicar and churchwardens to be a benefit to the local community when the church was rebuilt but it has not worked for a long time. The clock was built in 1844 by E.J. Dent, who subsequently made Big Ben in 1859. The St Giles’ clock is the earliest example of a turret clock bearing the Dent name and is the only remaining double-framed clock manufactured by them in its original condition. 
Covid-19 Update 
Where to find the latest information on vaccination, testing, support when self-isolating and restrictions: 
In Lambeth: Coronavirus (Covid-19) public health advice and current restrictions | Lambeth Council
In Southwark: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Southwark Council
In South East London Boroughs, including Lambeth and Southwark: COVID-19 – South East London CCG ( and for the latest vaccination pop-up clinics click here
Government: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – NHS (
 Best wishes,
SE5 Forum for Camberwell

Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter @SE5Forum or Facebook to find out what is happening in Camberwell! 
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Camberwell Talks: the vibrant voices of SE5 – join the conversation • plus: Camberwell Fair sounds on the green and Brunswick Park streetspace review
Camberwell Talks – join the conversation.
Buy your Camberwell Talks tickets on Eventbrite here.

SE5 Forum invites you to our first series of monthly Camberwell Talks -The Vibrant Voices of SE5 given by a diverse range of lovely and inspiring people from, about or connected to Camberwell. 

We are very pleased to present our first line-up of speakers from September-December 2021. First up is ‘The Mumper’ Mark Baxter on 6 September, writer, raconteur and film maker, on his colourful life and Camberwell’s influence on it. Here’s Mark on Twitter: 


Following Mark on 4 October is local fine art photographer John Yabrifa on pictures, philosophy and community, Keely Stanhope on the glory of exotic veg on 1 November and on 6 December, BBC broadcaster, writer and musician Neil Brand

The talks will run on the first Monday of the month 7-9pm, thanks to the generosity of the fantastic The Camberwell Arms, which is lending its space for free. Tickets cost £10 or £7 concession, which includes a drink and 10% off a meal. There will also be a raffle and with numbers limited to 45, there’s a good chance of winning! 

Buy your Camberwell Talks tickets on Eventbrite here

Or pop down to the SE5 Forum stall at the farmers’ market on Camberwell Green on Saturdays 10am- 2pm to buy a ticket.

We hope you’ll be inspired to come and listen and join in the Camberwell conversation!

If you would like to be a speaker or know someone who would – please get in touch with SE5 Forum by email at:  

Camberwell Talks – The Vibrant Voices of SE5  at The Camberwell Arms, 65 Camberwell Church Street, SE5 8TR


Camberwell Fair: Summer sounds come to the Green
Camberwell Fair‘s Summer Series Part 2 brings more uplifting sounds to Camberwell Green with its second series of summer concerts in August and September:

“After the stonking success of Camberwell Fair’s Summer Series Part 1 on Myatt’s Fields Park, we are thrilled to announce Part 2 on Camberwell Green from this Saturday 14 August! Over the next 6 weeks of August and September, Saturday afternoons will be filled with live music from the hottest global and local musicians, artists and bands on the green for everyone to enjoy!”

Camberwell Fair Summer Series has been created for local communities to enjoy live music for free, safely in their communities. All performances take place on Camberwell Green 3-6pm, so bring a picnic, get ready to dance and enjoy the best live music celebrating the vibrant and diverse cultures of Camberwell.  Saturday 14 August: Kicking off the series will be Sister Cookie with her dynamite sound and dose of funk-soul-blues medicine.

Saturday 21 August: Grupo Lokito take to the stage with a modern-day cocktail of music fusing Congolese grooves with the fire of Cuban music. 

Saturday 28 August: A stellar line-up featuring WheelUP (Tru Thoughts), Tiawa (Tru Thoughts) and Chiminyo (Gearbox).

Saturday 4 September: Camberwell Fair Artists in Residence take over the Summer Series. Artists & Mentors K.O.G., Tawiah, Gaika and Shirley Tetteh have been working with 12 emerging artists as part of the programme supported by PRS Foundation’s The Open Fund to test new ideas, collaborate and develop their practice. South East London legend Joe Milli will close the party with a mix of afro, soul, house, funk and grime.Saturday 11 September: things get even hotter on the green with The Heatwave vs Tash LC x Fehdah. 

Saturday 18 September: Closing the Summer Series on Camberwell Green are The Dylema Collective, a talented collective of musicians put together by female lead Dylema that blend contemporary jazz, poetry and soulful harmonies.

NB: These events are intimate, pop-up performances for smaller audiences, given the impact of Covid-19 in our communities. There are no additional stages, stalls, food trucks or bars. Camberwell Fair organisers ask that any rubbish is taken away with you to ensure our green flag park is kept litter-free.

For more info:

 Brunswick Park Streetspace consultation – have your say

The Brunswick park streetspace scheme was introduced in 2020, which saw roads around the park blocked off to traffic to make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists. You can now have your say on this scheme and whether you’d like to see permanent changes: 

The consultation link is here:

SE5 Forum Market Stall
Visit our market stall on Saturdays 10-2 on Camberwell Green
Come and browse our new Camberwell Identity merchandise as well as our popular range of Camberwell mugs, butterfly t-shirts and more. And find out about our latest work and campaigns. We’re always looking for volunteers to help on the stall – setting up and down or helping on the stall. If you’re interested, please email:
Covid-19 Update 
Where to find the latest information on vaccination, testing, support when self-isolating and restrictions: 
In Lambeth: Coronavirus (Covid-19) public health advice and current restrictions | Lambeth Council
In Southwark: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Southwark Council
In South East London Boroughs, including Lambeth and Southwark: COVID-19 – South East London CCG ( and for the latest vaccination pop-up clinics click here
Government: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – NHS (
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SE5 Forum launches campaign to Stop Bus Idling on the Green

Can you help stop buses idling on the Green by posting on social media?
This weekend SE5 Forum launches a week-long campaign to encourage bus drivers not to leave their engines idling and polluting the Green while changing buses. 
SE5 Forum are engaging with bus companies about this but we hope more public support will lead to more action. Schools will be out and we all want cleaner air for our kids playing on the Green in the holidays, and everyone else using our valued green space. 
The campaign will run on Twitter from Sat 17 to Fri 23 July – please support us by retweeting or posting to our Twitter account

READ ALL ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN BELOW and how to support it:

SE5 Forum – Bus Idling Campaign

About the campaign The SE5 Forum for Camberwell is leading a social media campaign to highlight the damaging practices of London bus drivers who are leaving their engines idling (running while parked) when changing drivers at Camberwell Green.

Why are we campaigning?  By leaving engines idling, buses are contributing towards poor air quality and creating needless noise and pollution next to Camberwell Green. The negative effects of engine idling are widely recognised, and the practice is forbidden against in the Highway Code (Rule 123).

Why now? In the lead up to the school summer holidays, during which time footfall and the amount of time children will be spending around the Green will increase, SE5 Forum is aiming to draw attention of this behaviour to the bus companies so they take appropriate action to stop bus drivers from leaving their engines idling. The week before the school summer holidays, Saturday 17th July until Friday 23rd July.

What will SE5 Forum be doing? SE5 Forum will be sharing videos of buses with their engines idling on social media channels as well as sharing some short video messages of support from local Councillors. SE5 Forum for Camberwell will also engage with the bus companies on the issues to what action they are going to take to eliminate this behaviour.

How can you support?  Residents can record and share videos on social media of buses with their engines running while parked on the bus stand adjacent to Camberwell Green. You might also like or retweet content from SE5 Forum. Other ideas to get you started….. 

  • Take a short (10-second) video on their mobile phone when spotting a bus engine idling alongside Camberwell Green. If possible, residents should try to capture the bus operator name in their video which is above the front entry door! 
  • Post their video on Twitter, noting the bus route number, and the amount of time the bus engine was idling for. To help us make sure the bus companies see it, include an @ mention of the relevant bus company. Operators that serve Camberwell include @Abellio_UK and @Go_Ahead_London.
  • Don’t forget to also tag SE5 Forum @SE5Forum so that we can re-tweet.
  • Include the hashtags #CleanAirCamberwell so more people will see your post, and we can get the topic trending!
  •   Lastly, it goes without saying, but remember to be respectful and don’t use any inflammatory or offensive language in your post

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The Camberwell We Want to See

The Camberwell We Want to See: Thanks for Coming!
Read our post-event report 

SE5 Forum’s public event The Camberwell We Want to See saw a great turnout – with 46 participants – on Thursday 8 July on Zoom.

The main session was lively with speakers and a Q&A. Speaking from Southwark Council were:
• Cllr Jason Ochere, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Business & Town Centres, talked of the importance of Camberwell town centre and the setting up of a new town centre forum (watch this space for more details), 
• Matt Derry, Senior Regeneration Manager, on how engagement and consultation has worked well for the upcoming public realm design for Camberwell Station Road

Questions covered: a walkway from Denmark Hill station to Camberwell businesses, the Camberwell Lanes development and use of materials and the Camberwell identity in designs, and how the Miah Close area on Camberwell New Road could act as a satellite to Camberwell town centre in the planning for Camberwell, amongst others. 

4 break-out workshops focused in on the following and how this work can be taken forward:
• Green ways and green spaces: Susan Crisp, Friends of Burgess Park
• Reflecting Camberwell’s unique character and identity: Kelly Blaney, Camberwell
   Identity Group
• Getting about – trains, trams & bikes: Will Reeves, SE5 Forum
• Getting buildings listed locally: Jason Leech, Camberwell Society

What came out of this meeting was:
– A town centre forum for Camberwell will be set up from August by Cllr Jason Ochere, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Business and Town Centres, with an initial 3-4 meetings planned. More details soon.

– There is demand for more communication from Southwark Council and more opportunity for discussion.

Unfortunately, a Lambeth Council representative was unable to attend and focus on those areas of SE5 that fall into the borough and on the boundary. 
Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed – and to those who’d expressed an interest but were unable to make it. And a special thanks to the speakers, facilitators and reporters – Cllr Jason Ochere, Matt Derry, Susan Crisp, Kelly Blaney, Jason Leech and Ben Moxham – alongside our volunteer board members. 


Camberwell Green & St Giles joint ward meeting: Thursday 22 July 6.30pm
Supporting the Local Economy 

Southwark Council is inviting all to a joint ward meeting of Camberwell Green & St Giles: On supporting our Local Economy

Councillor Jason Ochere, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Business & Town Centres, will take questions together with the Local Economy Team on what the Council is doing about our local shops and businesses? How can the council support small businesses in the local neighbourhood?

Dr.Olimpia Mosteanu will also report on the key emerging findings of the research by Social Life on how people feel about the impact of Covid 19.

Please register in advance of the meeting on the enclosed link:

Zoom meeting room opens at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start. Meeting Chaired by the Community Champion: Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle MBE Empowering Communities Programme Officer: Grace | 020 7525 4928

Camberwell Fair looking for young creators
Do you live in Camberwell? Are you aged 18-25? Are you an aspiring or emerging #podcaster#filmmaker#animator or #photographer? If you are passionate about new music & #Camberwell ’s creative culture then we want to hear from you Places limited

SE5 Forum Market Stall
Visit our market stall this Saturday 10-2 on Camberwell Green
This Saturday, we’ve invited local artist/designer Corinne Alexander to share our community stall at the farmer’s market. Corinne’s designs will be on sale at the stall:

Also at the farmers’ market this Saturday is last visit from Herbal Haven, with 150 culinary and medicinal herbs, along with the organic bread, rare meat and other stalls. 

We’re always looking for volunteers to help on the stall – setting up and down or helping on the stall. If you’re interested, please email:

Covid-19 Update 
Where to find the latest information on vaccination, testing, support when self-isolating and restrictions: 
In Lambeth: Coronavirus (Covid-19) public health advice and current restrictions | Lambeth Council
In Southwark: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Southwark Council
In South East London Boroughs, including Lambeth and Southwark: COVID-19 – South East London CCG ( and for the latest vaccination pop-up clinics click here
Government: Coronavirus (COVID-19) – NHS (

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Come to our open meeting: The Camberwell We Want to See

Thursday 8 July 7-8.30pm on Zoom

SE5 Forum for Camberwell invites you to our public meeting: The Camberwell We Want to See – and how do we make it happen? Camberwell is changing fast and we believe the local community should have more say in how we’d like our town centre to be. 

The meeting is open to everyone and takes place on Zoom on Thursday 8 July from 7pm to 8.30pm.

 Speakers include Southwark Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs, Business and Town Centres Jason Ochere, who will explain the council’s plans to revise the way it consults with the community. This will be followed by discussion and 4 break-out sessions. 

Come along, have your say and find out how to get involved and have some influence on your local area. If you’d like to attend, please indicate which break-out session you would like to join. 
Email: to register and for Zoom details. 

 Download the flyer here.

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New musical mural for Camberwell

Welcome to the sounds of Camberwell! The Peckham Road entrance to Camberwell has a new piano keyboard mural on the wall of 36 Peckham Road mural inspired by the history of the Piano Factory building.

And a QR code will be added to the mural soon, which takes you to a short history of music in Camberwell, playing clips including the Basement Jaxx track ‘I live in Camberwell’ and Mendelssohn’s Spring Song (also known as Camberwell Green because he  composed it while staying there in 1833).

The mural was painted by mural artist Lionel Stanhope after consultation with Piano Factory residents and the 23rd Camberwell Scouts group. It was funded through a crowdfunding campaign which raised over £1000, the balance of £500 was contributed by the Camberwell Society. 

The 23rd Camberwell Scouts group tweeted about the new mural: “We played a part it this! We joined @CamberwellArts, @lionel_stanhope & @SE5Forum on a Zoom call to discuss art within our area and gave our thoughts and suggestions towards this piece of work. And we love it!!

Kelly Blaney, Chair of the Camberwell Identity group which organised the crowdfunding campaign said: “Camberwell Murals is part of building the buzz around Camberwell. Encouraging people to explore more of our diverse area and attract new customers for our local businesses.”

Camberwell Murals is part of the Camberwell Identity project by SE5 Forum, Camberwell Society and Camberwell Arts with the local community and businesses. Camberwell is an incredible place to live, work and visit but can be overshadowed by neighbouring areas such as Brixton and Peckham. The aim of these murals is to highlight Camberwell’s unique identity and make everyone feel proud of it.  The Identity Group has already successfully installed three murals: one on the Camberwell New Road entrance to Camberwell, one at Denmark Hill station, and one on Wren Road at Butterfly Walk.

The Piano Factory was constructed at the turn of the last century, used as an ammunition factory during World War 1 before becoming a Piano factory. The Piano Factory on Peckham Road kept the name when it was converted into apartments in the 1990s.

Main photo: Lionel Stanhope. Photo below: Marie Staunton.

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Camberwell Mural crowdfunder • Our Love Local campaign to support businesses • Join Team SE5 for The Big Half run

Camberwell Mural: New crowdfunder kicks off for mural at The Piano Factory 

The Camberwell Identity Group has already had two murals successfully installed – on Camberwell New Road and Denmark Hill station. We are working to gain permission and funds for more murals as you approach Camberwell so you know when you’ve arrived!

This new crowdfunder is for a music-themed Camberwell mural, featuring the new brand identity, on the wall outside the Piano Factory apartments on Peckham Road (permission now secured). Local mural artist @lionel_stanhope has mocked up a cool-looking graphic (below). The 23rd Camberwell Scouts also gave us great feedback on the mural and other local projects in a fun Zoom session with the Camberwell Identity group and with Lionel.

We need your help to raise the funds: To READ MORE and donate, go to:


Check out our ‘Love Local’ Campaign
The Camberwell Identity Group – SE5 ForumCamberwell Arts and the Camberwell Society –  has launched its new Camberwell Life website and #Love Local Campaign to support our fantastic local businesses – and this week is calling on everyone to shop local for their Valentine’s flowers and gifts.

The campaign is running on the new Camberwell Life website – – as well as on: Instagram #CamberwellLife, Twitterand Facebook. Businesses can also sign up to become campaign supporters and download the new Camberwell brand identity to use in promotions. 

Website visitors can find out all about Camberwell and download the Travel Guide to Camberwell and the Camberwell Community Cookbook

Right now, the campaign is focusing on helping businesses during lockdown but we look forward to when Camberwell will be back open for business again, and we can get the campaign really going!


Camberwell Run? Want to run The Big Half as part of Team SE5?
SE5 Forum would like to set up a Camberwell Run in the near future (we’re optimistically thinking Camberwell Fair weekend).

But, in the meantime. we have secured 5 places (and maybe more) for The Big Half run, and at a bargain price of £10 per entry (normally £34 or £36) and would like to create a 
Team SE5

More info below and as a downloadable Word document here

In advance of organising our own Camberwell Run,we are looking for a few runners now to form a diverse Team SE5 and enter the Vitality Big Half-Marathon for a bargain £10 per entry (normally £34 or £36).
The Vitality Big Half is a major half marathon planned for 25 April 2021, organised by London Marathon events and to be run on a course from Tower Bridge through Wapping to Canary Wharf, back to Tower Bridge then to Surrey Quays and to finish at Greenwich. Over 16,000 runners finished in 2020, when it included the UK half marathon championship. Home | The Vitality Big Half (

We will publicise our team and seek collective sponsorship but this would not exclude individuals arranging their own charity sponsorship.
SE5 Forum is starting to plan for a Camberwell Run, hopefully later this year, probably a half marathon with a relay option, and open to walkers/runners of all abilities. News of Team SE5’s efforts in April’s Big Half will help generate interest in our later event and we will expand Team SE5 before the Camberwell Run to include information and support  for all interested in helping or taking part.
If interested in running the Vitality Big Half in April please send the following details to
Email address
Sex, Ethnic Group
Current running distance per week
Home postcode (or work if local)
Brief further information, e.g.: why you want the place, your running background.
Only name and email information will be stored electronically.
We have 5 places but can apply for more to make the team as diverse/inclusive as possible.
We will contact successful applicants with the entry link. You will need to pay £10 for a full race entry, with entitlement to a finisher T shirt and medal.

• Laptops for Learning 
London South Teaching School Alliance has launched the Laptops for Learning campaign with support and match-funding from Southwark Council, to get laptops to children that need them.
Find out more or donate to the campaign
The campaign is also appealing to businesses to donate devices they may no longer need, and IT/ digital firms that may be able to provide in-kind support. Businesses can contact

• Census 21 is here! 

Census 21 has to do things differently this time because of Covid. The Office for National Statistics says:
“We’re making it easy for everyone to take part. We will send you a letter with an access code. Visit our secure website and enter your access code to get started. If you can, offer help to family and friends who need support to fill in the form.”
Find out by downloading the leaflet here: 

Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter @SE5Forum or Facebook to find out what is happening in Camberwell! 

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Can you support King’s College Hospital staff? Or volunteer for Team Lambeth?

Fundraisers for staff working at King’s College Hospital during Covid Lockdown.

As we go through another challenging Covid-19 lockdown and hospitals come under immense pressure, please think of donating to any of the following fantastic fundraisers to help NHS staff at King’s.

GoFundMe Buy Them A Coffee was set up by local resident Jill Orr to support the amazing, hardworking staff at King’s. The fundraiser has just been re-started – it raised £43k in the first lockdown – to provide fresh food, treats and essentials for dthose staff working on the Covid wards, in ICU, the Wellness Hub and all those working at King’s College Hospital. 

Click here to go to the GoFundMe Buy Them A Coffee page to find out more and donate 

In the first lockdown, many local residents donated and local businesses helped with fundraisers and food deliveries, too. This time round, it’s more difficult economically for everyone. However, Jill, local residents and businesses have already been active in finding ways to support:

Jill gives these latest updates (which you can read on the web page):

“Thank you all for spreading the word and helping us expand our fundraising. There are now over 30 covid wards operational. We are working with them and the hub staff to support the delivery of wellness boxes to the staff who service these wards. For the most part these boxes are made up of product donations (toiletries and treats) to the hospital and to the charity (Support Kings) but they can also include local donations too. If your street or your business would be interested in finding out more, drop us a line at
Already happening this week:
– Fresh fruit is being delivered every Wednesday from the team at Smith and Brock (
– Doughnuts are being delivered from Ayres Bakery (
– Bradley Foods ( – who work with Ayres Bakery – have gifted some snacks for the wellbeing hub
– Suzanne James Catering ( and Vits and Kicks ( are supplying fresh immune boosting juices and smoothies to the staff in the critical care units 

You can also donate directly to the King’s College Hospital’s S.O.S. Appeal – Support Kings – Support Our Staff.
“If you would like to see how we have supported #TeamKings amid the COVID emergency so far, please read our report on how together, we have made a real difference. Donations to the S.O.S. Appeal will be used across our whole range of valuable work of King’s College Hospital Charity which supports King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

One of SE5 Forum’s new board members – Joanna Large – is a King’s nurse redeployed to ICU and has already been a very grateful recipient! 

Other cafes and restaurants are also lending their support and you can donate to them directly while helping local businesses:

Buy Them a Pizza: Theo’s Pizzeria
Theo’s Pizzeria is also running its own fundraiser by asking locals to buy a pizza for King’s staff. You can buy a voucher for £5 or more – and this donation provides funds for Theo’s Camberwell to make and deliver free food to the frontline staff at the hospital. Go to:

Lumberjack: Buy Lunch for an NHS Worker
Buy lunch (or a bundle of lunches); a main, a drink, and a snack for someone working on the frontline during the Covid-19 pandemic. As Lumberjack says: “It’s only a small gesture when compared to what they’re doing for us, but by feeding our frontline workers, we can help them carry on with their vital work during long and demanding shifts. You buy it, we’ll distribute it!”

Lumberjack is a small charity-owned cafe in Camberwell and every bundle you buy also helps us the cafe so that post-Covid they can go back to helping young people step up into employment. Go to:

Team Lambeth is looking for volunteers:

See the flyer below but use the links here to find out more and/or register directly: 
If you’d like to know more, please submit your question here
If you’d like to sign up now, please have one form of picture ID ready and register to volunteer here

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SE5 Forum AGM: Post Covid Camberwell

SE5 Forum AGM: Thank you for joining us online!

SE5 Forum held its first successful online AGM – thanks to the 40 speakers, community and board members that joined us. We are delighted that three new members were elected to the SE5 Forum Board, which is now as follows:
Barbara Pattinson, Marie Staunton, Sophy Tayler, Craig Stansfield, Andy Murray, Steve Shemilt, Marcia Foster Norman, John Frankland, Christine Coleman, Simon J Taylor, Mastoor Khan, Lauren Johnson-Ginn (new), Nigel Brissett (new) and Toby Holland (new). We will be electing the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair/s, Secretary and Treasurer at the next meeting. 

Our theme this year was Post Covid: How to build back a thriving Camberwell for business, environment and better ways to live – with a panel of speakers including ‘local hero’ Bim Patellia, Sub-Postmaster, who delivered essential food and medicines to vulnerable people during lockdown, Southwark Council Cabinet Member for Jobs, Culture & Skills Stephanie Cryan and Lambeth Council Cabinet Member for Planning, Investment & New Homes Matthew Bennett, who explained how their councils had helped businesses during lockdown and how they would endeavour to help as Covid continued to raise serious challenges.

Southwark Council Business Rates Lead James Brock said the council was now offering a half-day consultancy with an accountancy firm to support businesses – those interested or needing to discuss rates could contact him on: or 0207 525 5505.

Nick Harvey of the Wine Box Company (WBC) gave a presentation on the Camberwell Identity Group‘s Love Local and Camberwell Business Champions schemes to support local businesses and use the new Camberwell identity design merchandise as promotion. The group, in which SE5 Forum is a key part, will be launching its new local and independent business-oriented website Camberwell.Life soon. The website will have dedicated business pages, and visitors will find listings, bios, upcoming events. Camberwell Champions can become featured businesses on the website. Watch this space for more details soon!

The AGM concluded with a discussion on moves to decrease air pollution, and create safer streets and low traffic neighbourhoods – and how to ensure this benefits all residents, businesses and roads. 

To read the full minutes of the AGM meeting, please download them here

The AGM took place online on Zoom on Wednesday 7 October from 6.30pm to 8.30pm

SE5 Forum Agenda: Click here to view 

SE5 Forum Accounts: Click here to view

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Help create a new public artwork on health and wellbeing for Denmark Hill Station

The local community are invited to help create a sculpture for the new second entrance to Denmark Hill station, which opens in April 2021.

Join the Zoom Workshops on Thursday 24 September 7.30pm or
Friday 25 September 2pm  

In June 2020, station passengers voted for health and wellbeing as the theme of the artwork. South London artist Godfried Donkor was selected through an open competition – the internationally celebrated British Ghanaian artist’s work has been exhibited at the ICA, Smithsonian, Tate Modern and Venice Biennale.  

Godfried’s proposal offers a new take on the traditional Adinkra symbolism of Ghana. Like emojis, but created hundreds of years earlier, Adinkras offer a short-hand, often humorous, representation of shared lessons, proverbs and philosophies. They can encapsulate collective values and reflect on the health and wellbeing of our community in these COVID times.

Next week, Godfried Donkor is holding a series of workshops with local residents and organisations. The purpose is for the local community to contribute ideas to the artist about the Adinkra symbols, their colours and materials that for us mean Health and Wellbeing. We also want to develop our own Camberwell Adinkra symbol. These ideas will form the basis of the new sculpture.

Come and join an online session with the artist, organised by Camberwell Arts, on Thursday 24September, from 7.30pm or on Friday 25 September at 2pm. To request a Zoom link for the workshops, please email: 

Godfried is working with a wide range of local partners – led by the Camberwell Society and including Camberwell Arts, SE5 Forum, Camberwell Identity group, Network Rail, Govia Thameslink, Kings College Hospital and the Maudsley hospital (SLaM) – to bring this new artwork to Camberwell. Godfried will also be delivering private workshops with local community groups and schools, including Dog Kennell Hill Adventure Playground, Love Walk Residential Centre, the Maudsley hospital and Sacred Heart School.  

The completed artwork is due to be unveiled in April 2021, as part of the new entrance for Denmark Hill Station.

For further information about the art work, please contact

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