Camberwell Talks Winter 2025: Jeremy Bowen & Anna Mazzola

Join SE5 Forum’s new talks season with renowned BBC war correspondent Jeremy Bowen and award-winning novelist Anna Mazzola.

SE5 Forum’s welcomes you to the new winter season of Camberwell Talks – where the good folk of Camberwell take you on a journey to their worlds. We are delighted to present renowned BBC war correspondent Jeremy Bowen and award-winning gothic novelist Anna Mazzola for another round of fascinating talks.

Jeremy Bowen: From our own correspondent
Monday 3 February, 7pm
The Crypt, St Giles’ Church, Camberwell Church Street, SE5 8RB*

Join renowned BBC News International Editor and war correspondent Jeremy Bowen for an intimate discussion of his life in journalism, bringing human stories from across the world in the face of conflict. Jeremy’s passion to help people’s voices be heard is also at the root of his support for adult literacy and all proceeds from the talk will go to local charity Read Easy Southwark.

Anna Mazzola: Notes on an author
Monday 3 March, 7pm
The Grove House Tavern, 26 Camberwell Grove, SE5 8RE

Award-winning novelist Anna Mazzola brings the dark, gothic corners of the past alive in her historical crime fiction. Her debut The Unseeing won the Edgar Allen Poe Award and was based on a real murder in 19th Century Camberwell! Join us for a fascinating insight into the writer’s mind, as Anna, also a criminal justice solicitor, ventures into her first legal thriller Notes on a Drowning.

Tickets £10/£7 – includes a free drink. Under-18s FREE.


or buy at our SE5 Forum Saturday market stall on Camberwell Green. Some tickets will also be available on the night if not sold out. We don’t want to exclude anyone due to cost of living, so for a further discount, please contact us at:

*Apologies that The Crypt is not step-free.

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Camberwell Talks – join our new Autumn season

Don’t miss our next inspiring season of Camberwell Talks – join our friendly, fascinating talks by inspiring SE5 locals, from women’s street art to thinking like a spy, and a charity trailblazer.

Off The Wall: Shauna Blanchfield: Monday 7 October, 7pm

Irish and south London based muralist and street artist Shauna Blanchfield will be joined by three upcoming stars of the UK street art scene. Follow their journeys into public art and hear about the value of female collectives and what it means to capture beauty in the everyday. The Crypt, St Giles’ Church, Camberwell Church Street, SE5 8RB*

Think Like a Spy: Jules Fisher: Monday 4 November, 7pm

Ever wondered how spies think about relationships and use influence effectively and ethically? Come along to find out from local author Julian (Jules) Fisher, who will be talking about his recently-published book Think Like a Spy. The Crypt, St Giles’ Church, Camberwell Church Street, SE5 8RB*

Community Champion: Felicia Boshorin: Monday 2 December, 7pm

Felicia Boshorin, Chief Executive of local charity Spring Community Hub, shares her passion for equality and the entrepreneurial spirit which has seen her through the highs and lows of life. Join us to learn what drives this champion of the community and what solutions she sees for the future. Venue to be confirmed. Proceeds for Felicia’s talk go to Spring Community Hub charity.

*Apologies that The Crypt is not step-free.

Tickets £10/£7, including a free drink. Under-18s FREE. Book on Eventbrite or buy at our SE5 Forum Saturday market stall on Camberwell Green. Some tickets will also be available on the night.

We don’t want to exclude anyone due to cost of living, so for a further discount, please contact us at:

Talk proceeds go to support core activities of SE5 Forum, a volunteer-led community group working to improve Camberwell for all. Proceeds for Felicia’s talk go to Spring Community Hub charity.

Find out more and BOOK TICKETS HERE 

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