Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers

Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers

It is almost a tradition here at SDCAS that some of our clients, volunteers and patrons are running as a team in the 10k London Vitality Run to raise money for the Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers.

Due to funding cuts (through which we lost £38,000) we are this year even more reliable on private donations and sponsoring events like the run. Our target for the run is £ 3,000 so we were wondering if one of you would like to join our team of runners this year as we still have one free place? And it would be amazing if you could help our runners to raise money for the Day Centre!

Please see the link to our JustGiving webpage below, where people can easily donate online.

Our JustGiving link for the donation webpage for the run is:

Many thanks,

Jonas Wessendorf Volunteer Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers

Please support our 10k runners with a donation on:

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Refugee Crisis

When & where?

SATURDAY 7 MAY 1.00 -6.30pm
Copeland Gallery, Copeland Park, 133 Copeland Road, Peckham SE15 3SN — behind the Bussey Building on Rye Lane

The terrible scenes from places such as Calais, Lesvos and the Macedonian border show the extent of the worsening refugee crisis. It’s a global crisis – is there a solution? And what can we do here?

Join us to discuss the truth behind the headlines; hear about the work of refugee community organisations in Southwark; find out how you can give your support locally.
Special guest speakers
Films and slideshows
“How you can help” forum
Music, dance and food by local refugee and migrant groups

Entrance fee: £3 waged, free for unwaged. Proceeds to refugee community organisations.

Supporting organisations:
Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers
Southwark Refugee & Migrant Project
Southwark Refugee Communities Forum
Southwark Law Centre
Forum for Equalities and Human Rights in Southwark
Southwark Citizens Advice Bureau Services
Southwark Council
Southwark Hate Crime Network

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