Wardrobe Refresh Workshop

Join Veolia for a FREE Wardrobe Refresh Workshop at your local recycling centre this spring!
It’s the perfect time for a spring clean but rather than throwing away old clothes why not refresh, improve or mend them for the new season. As part of an upcycling awareness project, Veolia the recycling and waste partner of Southwark council are giving residents the opportunity to attend a free repair workshop at the recycling facility off Old Kent Road, at the Southwark Integrated Waste Management Facility, 43 Devon Street, London. SE15 1AL
Katie from Stitches In Time who will be leading the workshop said; “This will be a relaxed workshop where residents can get advice on how to fix, alter and repair clothes they might have been too afraid to tackle! Come along to the workshop with at least three to five items that you’d like advice on how to fix and you will be guided in choosing the best ones to work on and supported in fixing them.”
For residents keen to attend all equipment is provided and attendees will learn:
- A range of sewing and alteration techniques
- Technical jargon used in dress making
- How to repair and alter on your own with confidence
The free ‘Spring clean your wardrobe’ workshop takes place on Tuesday 4 April, it will start promptly at 10am and will end at 1.30pm. Residents interested in attending must book their place by emailing southwarkenquiries@veolia.co.uk by 30 March 2017.
As part of the workshop visitors will also be given the opportunity to see first-hand what happens to their recycling at the state of the art recycling facility. The tour of the recycling facility will enable residents to learn where Southwark’s 132,500 tons of recycling gets sorted every year, ready to become something new.
Other crafting workshops will be taking place later in the year as part of this upcycling project.